Basking in Gravity with Daniel "Cosmic Chambo" Chamberlin

Saturday , July 8 | 8:00 pm - 9:30 pm ~ Daniel “Cosmic Chambo” Chamberlin
$10 to $20 Sliding Scale

Basking in Gravity is an exploration of our relationship with one of the fundamental forces of the universe. This experience combines elements of audiovisual installation and participatory performance with yin yoga and sitting meditation. It’s a practice of finding equanimity in discomfort as gravity pulls our bodies
home to the dirt.

Daniel “Cosmic Chambo” Chamberlin uses his experience as an artist, Zen student, and former emergency medical responder to lead practitioners in 90 minutes of non-self improvement meditation and slow-and-low yin yoga.

Basking in Gravity takes place in an immersive audiovisual environment that includes organic video projections and a soundtrack of contemplative drone, heavyweight dub, and ambient music that builds to a crescendo of cosmic metal.

Basking in Gravity is intended to be accessible to all bodies and experience levels.

Kundalini Yoga, Endless Possibilities

Tuesday, October 26 | 7pm-8:30pm
$20-$50 sliding scale

Sat Nam Beautiful Souls! I am so very honored to be in Taos on a special pilgrimage bringing me to your studio all the way from the heart of Texas, Austin. Sharing with you Heartfelt Vibes from my Yoga community / Sangha to you!! Let's get together to connect souls and vibes and move some energy!

Have you been wondering What is Kundalini Yoga and what's up with that serpent? Kundal is Gurmukhi language which translates to the sacred and divine base of your energy, located at the base of the Sushmana, or base of your spine. Kundal also translates to your special lock of hair. Each person has this sacred energy, resting and waiting to be awoken, bringing awareness, energy, your true self, your higher Self.

Join us for a very special class of Kundalini Yoga for Beginners, Mantra, Meditation, and Deep Relaxation. From the start, Dhyan Priti Kaur will draw you into the space with Vibrational Blessings and Mantra. We will move the body with a Beginner-friendly Kriya preparing the body to be seated for Meditation. We will use Murda in our Meditation to charge our minds and bodies to cast away doubt, move from the Impossible thinking to the Possible! Wrapping up our very special one-time gathering with Deep Relaxation. Settle in, let the Himalayan Bowls, Bells, Chimes, Gongs, and surprise accompaniments, guide you into deep Yoga Nidra rest.

BIO: Following yogic tradition, Dhayn Priti Kaur teaches her classes steeped with ritual. It's her life passion to share all the Yoga Technology. Bringing Joy, fun, new skills, new concepts to students, peers, and teachers. See you at this very special Kundalini Yoga session. Let's create a circle of Possibilities together.

Super excited to meet everyone. See you in the studio!!
Blessings, Love and Light, Dhyan Priti Kaur

The Ever High Happy Conscious Neuro Al-Chemistry of Meditation Series with Dr. Lynn Sereda

Saturday, March 28th, 4-5:30pm, $10 suggested donation

This series will take place once a month for 12 months

2 Sets therefore of ever higher inner WNSI neuro
Al-Chemical Generative -Self Healing Learnings

The Goal: To help One Release entirely natural Endorphins > Dopamines> Serationins> Oxytocins>Acetylcholines>Gabapentins> Anandamides > Di-Methal-Triptophaneor DMT > that most special inner Elixir said to result in a life Now total Love of Life Happy Golden

With Dr. joe psychologist seeker – Lynn Sereda

> The first Set of instructions will Bebased on One learning to Be ever more whole body WNSI Responsive Expressive Side ‘Let go & Let God’! By way of 9 1 hr Pranayama like Full breath opening Lessons over either a 3 day weekend or 9 successive Saturdays!
> While the second Set will Bebased on One learning to Be ever more ‘Quiet Peace-FulStill’ or WNSI meditative like Sensory Receptive Side Open within the context of One’s ongoing Everyday Living! Over 12 successive months of One 2hr Session - with a ½ month to practice each of the 12 lessons presented & then dialogue share questions on whatever One might Be learning 2 weeks prior to each next Lesson! To help deepen the next 2 more weeks of practicing each Lesson, Etc. Etc. for 12 successive months!

Upcoming Saturday Dates & Topics:

February 29th - Here & Now Relax Acetylcholine

March 28th - Self Trust Oxytocin

April 25th - Optimal Creative Flow Zone

May 30th - Central Nervous System Wakeful Anandamide

June 27th - Autonomic Nervous System Open Naturally occurring DMT from the brain & activate ever Higher WNSI Conscious states Alpha > Theta > Delta >

July 25th - high Energy Amplitude non Separate from the Ultimate Big Uni-FiedField One-Ness Gamma Waving

August 29th - totally Ecstatic Present WNSI Felt/SensedInsightful Gabapentin 

September 26th - Finally that most Heart Open pure Golden Life Found Joy-Ful Elixer Within

Transformational/Rebirthing Breath work Group Training Session

Saturday March 14th, 4-6:00pm, $10 Suggested Donation

This Session Will Focus on Deep Whole Body Breathing both Into & toward Releasing Old Hurts & Wounds or Repetitive Negative Law of Attraction based Samskara’s, While simultaneously Building New same Body area Now Way Self Positive & thus potentially much deeper Real Inner Spiritual Ful-Filling Attractive -  Awakenings Within.

Monthly Saturday Upcoming Dates:

February 15th - Whole Body Breathing

March 14th - adding Sound Release

April 11th - Full Breath to release any Core beliefs

May 16th - Feeling into Ones Positives

June 13th - Choosing to use Open-ness to create Solutions

July 11th - Finding Ones way forward with Love

August 15th - Repeat Last Key Session
Transformational Breathing, Rebirthing Therapy is not fluffy hippie stuff, it has tons of research for proof of how it can bust stress, aid in recovery from buried trauma, help recover from chronic anxiety and panic attacks. We can release all the tension caused by everyday stress, our fears, insecurities, etc. which usually occur in the physical as well as the mental, psychic and spiritual level. The breath work process releases the emotional, negative charge out of cell memory. The process causes integration of unresolved emotional, physical, mental and spiritual energies.  The primary result is an experience of clarity at a very core level.  The process empowers a person into choice and out of victim-hood.

The intent of these once a month 1.5 hr sessions, will be to provide a context for 1 hr re-birthing/transformational breath work. The fantastic thing about these sessions is that they facilitate each experiencer: greeting a real awareness sense of prana or chi; an awareness of how to breathe out to the internal edges of any given  asana or movement form; and hence a real awareness of the long term goal of any 'spiritual' practice; including the sort of vital energy enhanced awareness being found to facilitate intention fulfillment empowerment (go to the various youtube descriptions of Dr Joe Dispenza's Works) or check out this youtube video:

Led by Dr. Lynn Sereda, Ph.D. U.C. Berkeley late 60's, longtime Yogi, Vipassana Meditator, Teacher, Psych Counselor, Re-Birthing/Transformational/Holotropic Breath work practitioner with some 900 session on himself. Helped by wife Trish herself having experienced many sessions. Session will be undertaken lying down in circle w/ hands lined to neighbors above one's  head, to help facilitate group support. Please bring you mat or something comfortable to lie on. These kinds of session would cost far more when undertaken with individual guidance.

Goddess Embodiment 4 Week Group Course

When/Where/What’s Up

Saturday’s in April 4pm-6pm @ The High Frequency Loft, Cost $111 (payment plans available)

What You Get:

  • movement, art, experiences, and healing to awaken and deepen connection to the goddess within 

  • weekly journaling project

  • online group to share and chat with as we move through and past the course, so life connections women’s circle

  • cacao ceremony

  • guest speakers

Starts Saturday April 6th:

Week One: 

Invoking Inner Goddess

with prenatal psychologist Kathryn Terry

Week Two: 

Women’s Body Wisdom

with Ayurvedic healer Tovia Weitman

Week Three: 

Role of Women in the Golden Age

video lecture with Devi Ma

Week Four: 

Ovulation Awareness

with midwife Madrona

How to Register/More Information:

email Willow:

call or text: 575.770.2604

World Sound Healing Day - A Sound Bath & Ceremony

Thursday February 14th, 2019, 3-4pm

Join us for another Ceremony with intention to raise our vibrations individually and collectively!
Valentine’s Day, the day we celebrate relationship and LOVE!
World Sound Healing Day, when we recognize the use of sound in HEALING!
Our intention for this Ceremony is to CELEBRATE and to open ourselves to Love and Healing on all levels.
Bring your drums, rattles, crystal bowls, chimes and bells.
This is a free event, donation are greatly appreciated.
Kids are welcome.
Co-hosted by Mike Two Bears, Ariana, Gael Olmstead and Cliff Bain.

To learn more about World Sound healing day visit:

Full Moon Eclipse Ceremony

Come join us for our Full Wolf Moon Eclipse Ceremony. Sunday January 20th, 12pm-1pm

Not only will this be a full moon, but a super blood moon too! This time will be ample for releasing, celebration, and manifesting.
Eclipses act as potent portals into alternate dimensions of consciousness. When utilized with intentional awareness, we can literally recreate and integrate aspects of self.

We are multidimensional beings - meaning that we exist across all time and space. Our traumas, wounds, patterns and habits don't just exist in the here and now. Working on this physical plane is powerful and beneficial, but when we are able to access the expansiveness of our multidimensional selves, greater, longer lasting and more significant and permanent change takes place.

In this ceremony we will align us selves with the peak of the lunar eclipse and direct our unified focus on core healing and deep clearing on individual and collective level.

Please bring your drum or rattle.

This is a free event, however, we suggest $5 donation to the venue.

Guided Crystal Meditation - Free Event

Sunday December 23rd 4:30-5:30, Free Event - Donations Appreciated but not required. Come join Jessica Rader of Moon Child Crystals as she leads you through a calming and soothing guided journey and deep belly breaths to honor the Winter Solstice. 

Deep into the womb of creation is where the spark of your incarnation lands, rooted from your spine into our Mother Gaia, this is the space where the seeds of your visions are planted. These visions are not solely what you want your life to look like, this is the place where you vision and seed how you wish to relate to others, how you want to show up in the world and how to be who you are.

Join us as we create space for this dying to our old selves so that we may be re-born and renewed into a more whole and fully encompassed version of our true highest self. This a sacred path of forgiveness and honoring the truth within our souls as we are all led to re-membering that we are all the one Divine mind of Spirit and Source energy.

You will be given the opportunity to choose a stone to meditate with for the evening (please bring your own stones as well, if you would like). 

Please bring water and a pillow (if you need one)

This event is a Love donation only - but is not required - it is most important that we all come together for healing!

****PLEASE RSVP so that we know how many stones to bring!****

Bio: Jessie Rader has always had a passion for crystals and stones since she was a child and that passion has grown with her into adulthood, into her conscious parenting practices, into her marriage and friendships and now into her full time job as a Lightworker. She believes we all have a light inside of us and using the beautiful creations of our Mother Gaia, we can all embody our greatest gifts with the help of our gemstone friends. Jessie considers herself a Crystal Queen, Gratefulness gangster, Earth healer, Mindfulness champion, Moon Goddess and her passion in life is to be of service and serve the planet and humanity.She is a level 2 Reiki practitioner, she is studying to get her Bachelors in Metaphysical Science and she teaches a number of classes from Crystals 101 to Past life regressions.

You can find her stones for sale and her crystal journey on Instagram: Moon_Child_Crystal

You can follow her personal path on Instagram: MoonChildSoulJourney"
Jessica Megali-RaderOwner - Moon Child Crystals*Wife*Mother*Mystic*Crystal Dealer*Warrior Goddess*

Compassionate Communication: Finding Heart During Conflict w/ Ela Ramos

Class Description: What if there was a way to interrupt our reactions and actually connect to our hearts when conflict happens?  What if during moments of being triggered or upset, we could access curiosity and connection instead of shutting down?  

Whether is it work, partnership, family or concern for the planet- conflict is a part of life.  This workshop gives tools to deal with feelings in a way that is respectful and caring, while also keeping things honest and real.  This is about stepping out of blame and guilt and going deeper- finding kindness towards yourself and others in moments when it seems out of reach.

In this workshop you will:

-Practice self-empathy and increase self-awareness.

-Discover how you might block connection to others without  meaning to.

-Connect to the wisdom of your body.

-Learn ways to express your feelings and needs in a constructive way.

-Increase the potential for connection in any environment.

-Learn compassionate self-talk that you can use anywhere, anytime.

-Step away from judgement and towards acceptance.

Bio: Ela Ramos is an educator and offers empathic coaching and spiritual counseling.   She has been studying Non-Violent Communication for 15 years. She has taught in India, California, Oregon and New Mexico.  Ela has a background in somatic psychology, hakomi therapy and other holistic healing styles.  

For questions and registration contact:

Message me on Facebook: @elahealingarts

November 17th, 1-4pm, $20-$40 dollars Sliding Scale suggested donation, *no one turned away for lack of funds

Gong Bath with Margarita - Every Sunday in November

Every Sunday in November, 6pm-7pm $12 suggested Donation/person, class passes & members Welcome Harmonize Mind-Body-Spirit

Experience the Alchemy of Sound through the Healing Vibrations of the Gongs. We have Yoga mats, bolsters & blankets but bring anything extra that you want to be comfy & relaxed.

About Margarita Monleon:

The colors of my life are seen in the New Mexico skies.  Everyday I am greeted by the morning sun rising over the Taos Mountains and each night the sun sets in the west ending the day with incredible light and beauty.    I am so very grateful for the beauty and spirit of where I live. 

My love for my gongs and their magic have become a necessary element to my life not only as a person, but as an Artist.  Their music is now a part of who I am and what I do.

play them (gongs) every morning, always intrigued by the new sounds that I hear as I make friends with these incredible healing instruments. 

It was because of my own search for healing as I fought cancer that the gongs came to me. I connected with them from very first sound. 

I recognized the sound of the gong as if it were an old friend.  

The gongs helped my mind to relax and so that my body could accept the healing from these vibrational sounds.  I found myself  to be much calmer as I had to move through the stress of Doctors and hospitals. The gongs truly helped me to stay focused on my journey of healing.

As a result, the gongs became my medicine to absorb and now it is my medicine to share. I begin my meditations with a 3000 year old Japanese prayer that I was told raises the spiritual vibration in a room.  The gongs follow this prayer allowing for the Alchemy of Sound.

FREE YOGA for anyone with Mental Health or Substance Use Conditions - ALL of October!

Sponsored by OPRE & Taos Alive we are so excited to be able to off FREE YOGA & Meditation to anyone with Mental Health or Substance Use conditions. This includes anyone in Recovery as well as anyone working in the field! This special offer is good for any Yoga or Meditation class on our regular class schedule. No questions asked, simply just write "OPRE" in the payment section. 

Here is our Yoga Class Schedule:

Mon-Satuday 9am - Yoga

Monday/Thursday 12pm - Gentle Yoga Pilates

Tuesday 12pm - Yoga

Weds/Fri 5pm - Yoga

Thursday 5pm - Meditation

Mon/Weds/Friday 6pm AcroYoga (partner acrobatic Yoga, no partner necessary)

We have a few gas cards available for those in need. We will also be gifting Yoga Mats to anyone who attends 12 or more classes during this time period. 

Questions? Call Alana Lee at 575-425-0709

Gamma Wave Healing - Level 1 - Weekend Training

Join Matthew Ryan in Taos, NM for a special weekend of energetic activations during his Gamma Wave Healing Level 1 course!

It has been quite some time since Matthew has taught the Gamma Wave Healing courses in Taos, and since that time, he has literally traveled around the world, visiting sacred sites and receiving activations. The Level 1 course has changed as a result of this journey and Matthew is excited to share this class in Taos once again.

Gamma Wave Healing is the unique energetic healing modality that Matthew has developed during the course of his spiritual journey. Gamma Wave Healing encompasses a collection of energetic techniques and activations that assist you in increasing your energetic access and help you to facilitate several types of energetic healing and readings.

Gamma Wave Healing Level 1 is a thorough introduction into working with Energy. You will learn several powerful, practical and repeatable techniques to facilitate self-healing and to assist others in their journey. Additionally, there will be several opportunities for energetic clearing and you will receive multiple Energetic Activations.

The workshop will be offered as a 2 Day Intensive. Dates and times are as follows:


During Gamma Wave Healing Level 1 you will learn the following techniques:

Checking-In: Learn how to consciously access a Gamma State. Your ability to access energetic information will be permanently increased and will be immediately available to you.

Muscle Testing: Muscle testing is based upon the natural energetic field of the human body. It can be an effective tool to corroborate the information that you receive while working. It is also highly effective in assisting you to make decisions and choices by testing whether or not something is in your Highest Good and Greatest Joy.

Body Scans: You will learn to scan a person's Energy Field for Distortions. You may perceive this energy in many different ways. Once you have identified the Distortions, you will clear the distorted patterns that you encounter, sending them back to Source for Transmutation.

Reset and Clear Energetic Connective Chords: You will learn to identify, reset and clear Energetic Connective Chords that are imprinted with a negative frequency as a result of Relationships and Traumatic Experiences. This is very valuable in situations like ending a relationship, closing a business or identifying how another person's energy may be draining your energy. 

Facilitate Channeled Readings: You will activate your Channel, allowing you to access very detailed information outside the scope of your ordinary consciousness. You will apply this technique with the use of Tarot / Angel Cards, bringing you detailed information like you never have received before.

Perform Channeled Guide Readings: You will learn how to connect with Spiritual Guides (Angels, Star Beings, etc) bringing in specific information for the partner you practice with.

Matthew will lecture about and demonstrate each technique and its application. Everybody will work with a partner in the practicing of the techniques. You will leave the weekend proficient in each technique and immediately can put them to use in your life.

In addition to these techniques, there will be several opportunities for Energetic Clearings facilitated by Matthew, and he will also facilitate several Energetic Activations via Guided Meditations.

The Level 1 course will be held at the High Frequency Loft, 1335 Gusdorf Rd. Suite Q, Taos, NM 87571.

Cost for the weekend is $300. Register & Pay at
A Deposit of $100 is required to hold your space in the workshop. Enter a Coupon Code of DEPOSIT to be charged the deposit only. The balance due must be completed prior to the commencement of the workshop on September 29.

If you would like to pay cash at the event, enter a Coupon Code of CASH2018 and you will not be charged now.

Please contact Matthew directly if you need to utilize a sliding scale or if you want to discuss other arrangements

If you have previously attended a Gamma Wave Healing Level 1 course and would like a refresher and to receive the new activations, you are welcome to attend the weekend course for a special rate of $50. Enter a Coupon Code of REFRESH in order to receive the discounted rate.

Any other questions can be directed to Matthew at

This will be a fantastic weekend and Matthew really looks forward to sharing with you all!


Stories of Joy, Telepathy and Multi-dimensionality

Come join us for a presentation of Jan's underwater adventures with Spinner dolphins of Hawaii, Dusky dolphins of New Zealand, Risso's dolphins of Azores and Humpback whales of Tonga. The evening will be filled with stories. photos and videos, exploring subjects like swimming with dolphins in the wild, telepathy (interspecies communication) and Inner Dolphin Awakening. We will also enhance personal connection through interactive exercises and meditation.

When: September 29, 2018, 7pm-9.30pm

Where: High Frequency Loft, 1335 Gusdorf Road, Suite Q, Taos, NM 87571

Admission: $15

About the presenter: Jan Lemuri is a passionate explorer, traveler and writer. His curiosity was sparked 14 years ago, when dolphins started visiting him in his dreams. His journey took him to meet and often swim with cetaceans in Hawaii, Croatia, Azores (Portugal), New Zealand, Tonga and Australia. In 2012 he finished his studies of Social Work with a thesis on Dolphin Assisted Therapy. He is passionate about awakening our inner dolphin – a part of us that is joyful, curious and quantum – and has published a book about it. He currently resides in Taos, NM with his wife and a 3-year old daughter.

Autumn Equinox "Healing Sound Celebration" with Jim Ballard

Adventures In Consciousness With Ariana - special event
Autumn Equinox “Healing Sound Celebration” with Jim Ballard
Saturday September 22, 2018, 2pm-3pm

Special guest, New Mexico intuitive musician Jim Ballard, will present a “Healing Sound Celebration” on the Autumn Equinox. This event uses sound as the vehicle for the arrival of healing from our Souls and High Selves and for celebrating who we truly are.

Following an introduction there will be a silent meditation, accompanied by music, attuning us to the Equinox energies.

Jim will then channel music for you individually, directed by your Soul and High Self. You may have the music address particular issues or allow your Soul and High Self to provide what you need. Feel free to sit, move or lie on the floor while your music is played. There will be a brief silent break at the mid-point.

Following this will be a silent meditation, accompanied by music, focused on the spirit of harvest and release for us personally, ending with our prayerful intentions for the same for our world.

We will close with a foot-stomping chant to get us grounded and ready to safely drive home!

$15 donation. Less is fine, more is appreciated, no one turned away

Hosted by Ariana (aka Vera Le Doux):

American Healers Tour: Group Healing Session

Join us Thursday September 13th, 2018, 8pm-9:30pm. 

Lie Back, Relax & Receive... a siddha healing with the crystal mandala & aromaReiki with Dimensional Grounding. 

Dear Community! 
We are excited to offer you a special healing event with world renowned healers Seth Monk and Shannon Fitzgerald as they travel across the USA.

Seth Monk is a former Buddhist monk turned Siddha Healer, who currently lives in Boston and teaches meditation at MIT and Blue Cross Blue Shield as well as leads retreats, and holds group healing events around New England.

Shannon is a former hospice nurse turned Reiki Master, who is a Yoga Teacher and a Youth Mindfulness Leader around New England. She also works as an EMT on Boston ambulances.

For this event, Seth will be anchoring the vibrations by building a crystal mandala with sacred geometry and will channel energies from the Siddha Master lineage as Shannon gives hands on AromaReiki and Dimensional Grounding. 

Participants can expect to lay down, relax, and receive the healing flows as each individual embarks on their own personal inner journey within the collective healing field. These group healing events open up a dimension that allow work on the physical, mental, emotional, energetic, karmic, familiar, and situational levels. 

No experience, practice, or belief is necessary to attend the healing, you simply need to lay back and receive.

Please bring a mat, pillow, and blanket to event!

There is a sliding scale donation of $10-$40 to help support the healers on their journey across America. 

Thanks and we hope to see you there!! 

Learn More about Seth at:

Adventures in Consciousness with Ariana - September - Taos City of Light

Saturday September 8th, 2018, 2pm-3pm.

The September “Adventure in Consciousness with Ariana” will be a special event, as we will be celebrating Taos City of Light 9 year anniversary.

Taos City of Light was born on 9-9-9 (September 9, 2009) by downloading high frequencies into the unified energy field of our community and into the crystals, that now form a circle around Taos. 

Ever since that day, a group of starseeds and lightworkers dedicated to this thought project has been meeting on a regular basis with intention to fuel Light into our community. Every time we gather for a meditation or a ceremony, we raise not only our very own vibration, but also the vibration of the unified energy field of Taos, the human collective and the planet. And that’s how we contribute to the birth of a new just society and a higher dimensional community based on Love, Joy, Freedom, Truth, Life, Gratitude, Grace, and Well-Being. 

Taos City of Light is the sum of all of us. It is the Light we are emitting individually and collectively. We visualize it as a shimmering light permeating everything on quantum particle level, forming a dome over Taos with a strong outer layer, which keeps our high vibrations in and any lower vibrations out, including air pollution, radiation and any undesirable weather patterns. 

During this event you will have the opportunity to feel into all the aspects of co-creation and manifestation of Cities of Light – physical and etheric crystals, creation of sacred places, opening of portals and working with the Galactics, Elementals, Ascended Masters & other allies from higher realms. 

For a greater comprehension of the concept of creation of Cities of Light visit Ariana's Youtube channel, specifically the Cities of Light playlist:

By donation. 

Hosted by Ariana (aka Vera Le Doux):

Vocal Sound Healing Journey: Throat Love Opening

Saturday August 25th, 2018, 1-5pm High Frequency Loft, Sliding Scale $15-$65, Space is Limited, Pre-Register today at HFL

In this afternoon workshop, you will be guided by Master Vocal Sound Healer Gwendolyn McClure to explore the use of your voice for healing all aspects of your Being. You will be guided to connect with your Heart and with the true Light & Love you are.

You will experience both passive and active vocal sound healing. Passive vocal sound healing is when you experience Gwendolyn singing and making vocal sounds to bring in the frequencies of pure love and light. Active vocal sound healing is when you soften your throat, connect your throat to your heart, and activate your voice to become a tool for clearing & strengthening your spirit and body. You will be guided in how to use your voice to clear pain & lower-frequency emotions, and claim yourself as the source of unconditional love.


Gwendolyn has 29 years of experience in Vocal Sound Healing: the passive and active use of vocal sound and singing for healing and transformation of consciousness. Through Heart, Intuition, and Mind, Gwendolyn shares her Songs and Vocal Sounds, transmitting the vibrational frequency of unconditional love to awaken and inspire people to commit to their healing journey in this body in this lifetime! She created techniques to guide people to “Activate” their Voice as a Self-Healing Tool. Gwendolyn wrote her doctoral dissertation on her work: “A Cross-Cultural Interdisciplinary Study of the Healing Power of Singing & Vocal Sounding” (Pacifica, 1998). Gwendolyn is a monthly contributor to SIBYL Magazine: For the Spirit and Soul of Woman, and has recorded to solo albums: Songs For The Earth, and Lullabies For The Heart. She shares her Gifts in the form of her VocalSoundHealer Radio Show, Concerts, Workshops & Private sessions in and outside the U.S. Gwendolyn has presented in CA, AZ, MI, NY, OR, WA, OH, NM, NV, ID, & Mexico!

And of course USE whatever parts of the BIO you like!! I know it is long!

Dr. Gwendolyn McClure Ph.D. L.MT.

(520) 904-2043

Throwing of Bone Ceremony - August - with Joanne Dodgeson

Join us for the August Throwing of the Bones, an ancient divination ceremony and healing art in the ways of Ka Ta See. In response to your questions, this powerful ceremony offers guidance and healing from the spirits. The doctoring begins before we gather and will continue to touch your life after you receive the ceremony.

Please visit: for more information

Sunday August 19th, 3-5pm, $20 suggested donation

Adventures in Consciousness with Ariana - August

“Adventures in Consciousness with Ariana” is a monthly event without structure or outline. In light of the new energies, you can't plan on anything, you have to be in the NOW. 

We will gather, connect and feel into the unified energy field of the group and the collective. The focus will be on activating the multidimensional mind and strengthening the “feeling muscle”. This is something new for all of us. How do you communicate with the unseen and undefined? That which is always moving, changing, shifting frequency? How do you translate THAT into human words? Do you need to? Can you express it in another way? 

Let’s find out!

These events could be referred to as the “Multidimensional Playground”, where we explore the heart space as the entry point to the inner worlds of infinite possibilities, where there’s no limit to what we can manifest, CO-CREATE, birth, experience, encounter and play with.

Through guided meditation and energy exercises we will explore a wide variety of topics relevant to the Journey of Awakening:

Unified Energy Fields
Multidimensional Self & Multidimensional Communication
Bilocation and Interdimensional Travel
DNA Activation, Light Body, Merkaba
Portals, Gateways, Gridwork
Healing, Self-healing, Rejuvenation
Ascension and Embodiment of the True Self
Taos City of Light

We are all awakening and beginning to REMEMBER that we are multidimensional beings. As we are all very unique in our genetic design and star heritage, we will empower and inspire each other to bring out the inherent skills hidden in our subconscious.

The first event is scheduled for Wednesday, May 16th at 4 PM, after that we meet every second Saturday of the month.

By donation. 

Hosted by Ariana (aka Vera Le Doux):

One Day Activation & Awakening w/ Matthew Ryan of Gamma Wave Healing

Join Matthew for an exciting and powerful 1 Day Workshop in Taos, NM, Sunday August 5, 10am-5pm.

Matthew has returned home from several months of travel and is ready to share some of the activations and information that he gained along the way. Chief among these travels were two visits to South Africa where he received many clearings and activations.

During this 1 Day Workshop, Matthew will facilitate several Energetic Group Clearings, intended to prepare everyone best to receive the activations available to the group.

Matthew will lead several Energetic Activations, specifically tailored to the attendees, as well as several Guided Meditations. All of this will open new pathways of access for you, helping you to move more smoothly with all of the increasing energies as we transit the Phase Shift into 5D.

The 1 Day Workshop will be held on Sunday August 5, from 10 AM to 5 PM, with a brief lunch after noon.

The event will take place at The High Frequency Loft, at 1335 Gusdorf Rd. Suite Q, Taos, NM.

The cost of the workshop is $150. If you need to speak with Matthew about a sliding scale, please contact him via email at or on Facebook via Messenger. Reservations can be made by clicking the link on the Facebook event page or at If you wish to pay for the workshop with Cash, please enter a Coupon Code of CASH2018 and you will not be charged.

Join Matthew and your other workshop cohorts for this excellent opportunity to attune your field into the current energies and to help create the world that we all came here to create.