Transformational Chakra Breathwork with Alana Lee

Sundays, February 9, 15 & 22 | 12:30 pm - 2:00 pm ~ Alana Lee
$22 suggested donation

Chakra Breathing stems from Transformational Breathwork which a holistic modality to help integrate the body, mind, and spirit.

There are many benefits people may realize through the practice of Transformational Breathwork such as supporting improved physical health, helping with stress reduction, aiding in the clearing of emotional wounds, and enhancing mental capabilities. Many have also found a stronger connection to spirit while cultivating a greater awareness of the breath and self. Your life may open up and become more fulfilling through the practice of Breathwork.

Potential Physical Benefits

  • Support oxygenation throughout the body

  • Help improve energy levels

  • Stimulates circulation

  • Assist in the balance and flow of energy through the body

Shamanic Sound Sessions: Awakening Series

Saturdays, September 11-November 6 | 6:30pm to 8pm ~ David Kuhn
$25-$15 sliding scale, per session

This five-week series every other Saturday is being held in gratitude. Each session is unique, come to one or come to all! The intention of these gatherings is to explore consciousness shifting. While celebrating in community, honoring the individual and the unique way we all arrive. The catalyst for transformation will be Shamanic sound healing, breathwork, and some gentle movement in ceremony.

Facilitator: David Kuhn Shamanic Sound Healer LOVEVIBRATION.ORG

Session One - September 11

Choosing Our True Nature: We are nature! A "love vibration" is our true nature. Gratitude and feeling states of love are the resonant frequency of the heart. In this gathering, we will explore our body’s, while entering into deep states of gratitude and love. The catalyst to bring us there will be a shamanic journey into the body, as we consciously breathe with gentle movements.

Session Two - September 25 (this will be a slightly longer session to allow for emotional processing 6:30 pm-9 pm):

Fear and Limited Beliefs: Fear, what is it good for? Let's dive deep into the unconscious body, for an unraveling of lifetimes of limiting beliefs. Grieving may be part of this process. Great care will be taken with that in mind. This is real work. Activating the parasympathetic nervous system coupled with radical forgiveness is at the root of this transformative work.

Session Three - October 9

Taking the Leap: Yes Bliss, Yes love!! Unity consciousness is a very intelligent, compassionate, and sustainable paradigm. We are all experiencing awakening moments of oneness from time to time, leading us to a new way of being. The 5th dimension is the destination. We will all arrive in a very unique way.

Session Four - October 23

Star Beings and Ancestral Knowledge: Are we children of star beings? Can we jump evolutionary timelines and collectively shift into our true nature? What's DNA got to do with it? It's vibrational Y'all! In this unique angelic ceremony, we humbly request for the highest vibrational frequencies to flow into a cauldron of ancestral star being soup.

Session Five - November 6

Living in Two Paradigms: Can we consciously operate in 3D, 4D, and 5D and beyond at the same time? Is it possible to be enlightened beings, while simultaneously being imperfect humans? There is no one way. We need each other more than ever. Let's cultivate community support with A deep inner knowing and truth that supersedes the dialog of the day. Bring your voice!

Transformational/Rebirthing Breath work Group Training Session

Saturday March 14th, 4-6:00pm, $10 Suggested Donation

This Session Will Focus on Deep Whole Body Breathing both Into & toward Releasing Old Hurts & Wounds or Repetitive Negative Law of Attraction based Samskara’s, While simultaneously Building New same Body area Now Way Self Positive & thus potentially much deeper Real Inner Spiritual Ful-Filling Attractive -  Awakenings Within.

Monthly Saturday Upcoming Dates:

February 15th - Whole Body Breathing

March 14th - adding Sound Release

April 11th - Full Breath to release any Core beliefs

May 16th - Feeling into Ones Positives

June 13th - Choosing to use Open-ness to create Solutions

July 11th - Finding Ones way forward with Love

August 15th - Repeat Last Key Session
Transformational Breathing, Rebirthing Therapy is not fluffy hippie stuff, it has tons of research for proof of how it can bust stress, aid in recovery from buried trauma, help recover from chronic anxiety and panic attacks. We can release all the tension caused by everyday stress, our fears, insecurities, etc. which usually occur in the physical as well as the mental, psychic and spiritual level. The breath work process releases the emotional, negative charge out of cell memory. The process causes integration of unresolved emotional, physical, mental and spiritual energies.  The primary result is an experience of clarity at a very core level.  The process empowers a person into choice and out of victim-hood.

The intent of these once a month 1.5 hr sessions, will be to provide a context for 1 hr re-birthing/transformational breath work. The fantastic thing about these sessions is that they facilitate each experiencer: greeting a real awareness sense of prana or chi; an awareness of how to breathe out to the internal edges of any given  asana or movement form; and hence a real awareness of the long term goal of any 'spiritual' practice; including the sort of vital energy enhanced awareness being found to facilitate intention fulfillment empowerment (go to the various youtube descriptions of Dr Joe Dispenza's Works) or check out this youtube video:

Led by Dr. Lynn Sereda, Ph.D. U.C. Berkeley late 60's, longtime Yogi, Vipassana Meditator, Teacher, Psych Counselor, Re-Birthing/Transformational/Holotropic Breath work practitioner with some 900 session on himself. Helped by wife Trish herself having experienced many sessions. Session will be undertaken lying down in circle w/ hands lined to neighbors above one's  head, to help facilitate group support. Please bring you mat or something comfortable to lie on. These kinds of session would cost far more when undertaken with individual guidance.

Laughter Yoga with Matthew Salzman - EVERY Saturday in FEB 1pm

Now hosting Laughter Yoga Weekly Every - Saturday in FEB at 1pm - $10 Suggested Donation, Class Pass & Members welcome

Laughing Yoga is the practice of using laughter exercises and yogic breathing to foster health and happiness. Through the use of Laughter Yoga exercises we bring to life our childlike playfulness, no matter how old we are. In order to get scientifically proven health benefits of laughter, we need to laugh continuously for at least for 10 to 15 minutes. Laughter Yoga provides a fun safe environment, where we can sustain the type of laughter that enriches our mental, emotional, and physical health.

Health Benefits of Laughing Yoga:

  • Laughter lower your stress levels.

  • Laughter increases serotonin levels.

  • Laughter helps regulate blood sugar.

  • Laughter lowers blood pressure.

  • Laughter helps relieve pain.

  • Laughter improves respiratory function.

  • Laughter burns calories.

  • Laughter boosts your immune system.

  • Laugher provides a great abdominal  workout.

  • Laughter decreases anxiety and fear.

  • Laughter eases depression.

  • Laughter improves your mood and enhances both emotional and physical resilience.

  • Beyond Health:

    1. strengthens relationships.

    2. Laughter is attractive and draws others to us.

    3. Laughter promotes group  bonding.

    4. Laughter breaks down walls between people.


    Life is better When we laugh!



Breath & Sound Healing Circle w/ Alana & Alexandra

Sunday May 20th, 2-4pm, Sliding Scale $5-$25

Join Alana & Alexandra for a blissful afternoon of transmutation & a chance to activate your self healing abilities through:

~ Self Guided Energy Cleansing

~ Transformational Breathwork

 ~ Crystal Bowl Sound Healing

Has the stress of daily life got you down? Are there worries or fears that you have been dealing with? Are there any stagnant or challenging energies, emotions or situations that you want to release? Are you doing amazing & just want to enhance your greatness? Do you want to manifest your hearts truest desires? Then join us for this truly transformative afternoon. We will create a safe space & container for self love & deep healing. Wear Comfortable Clothes & Bring a journal. 


Multidimensional Playground - Bilocation w/ Ariana

The focus of our November 5th, 1:30pm gathering on the Multidimensional Playground is BILOCATION. We will explore topics such as:

• Traveling up the corridor of light
• Walking across the bridge of light
• Shimmering
• Thought projection

Bilocation means being at two places simultaneously. Being a multidimensional being you can trilocate and beyond. Bilocation practice is a great way to stretch your level of perception and to activate your Multidimensional Brain.

While bilocating in 3D/4D you are in your physical body and you bilocate in your etheric body. That’s why bilocation feels as astral travel. The etheric body is able to observe the new location and gather information, but is unable to interact. This will change once we have transmuted our physical bodies into light bodies.

Bilocation also feels as Merkaba travel/teletransportation, but only so long you live in 3D/4D. After all - these techniques have different purpose. In bilocation we are projecting into another reality while being in our bodies. In teletransportation you are leaving this dimension, taking the vehicle with you.

Suggested donation $5-10. Hope to see you there.

Love, Ariana
(aka Vera Le Doux)

This event is a part of an ongoing series - the next one is scheduled for December 3rd, 3:30PM.

The Multidimensional Playground is a place of expansion and mastery. Together we explore the heart space as the entry point to the inner worlds of infinite possibilities, where there’s no limit to what we can manifest, co-create, birth, experience, encounter and play with.

Through guided meditation and energy exercises we will explore a wide variety of topics relevant to the Journey of Awakening.

This playground is not about teaching and learning - we are all awakening and beginning to REMEMBER and comprehend our Multidimensional Self. As we are all very unique in our genetic design and star heritage we empower and inspire each other to bring out the inherent skills hidden in our subconscious. The focus will be on stretching the brain and activating the multidimensional brain, on getting comfortable to use the FEELING as a guidance and on learning how to express the invisible and undefined.

Mind Gymnasium - Activate your full Potential w/ Samuel Favero

Sunday September 10th, 5pm 

Mind Gymnasium - led by Samuel Favero
Enhance your focus. Activate your unconscious power and intelligence. Manifest your full potential.

Mind Gymnasium is a workshop designed to introduce participants to traditional and cutting edge methods of performance enhancement through mental training. Breathwork, Guided Imagery, Auto-Suggestion, and Trance Utilization will be used in conjunction with physical practice and group exercises to demonstrate how altered states of consciousness can be used for personal development. 

Samuel Favero is a Wilderness EMT, Personal Trainer, Certified Hypnotherapist, and author of Knearl Znapps’s Book of Trances.