HFL Two Year Anniversary Party - Art Installations, Live Music, Poetry, Acro Yoga, Belly Dance, Dance Party, Raffle & MORE

Sunday March 17th, 4pm Open House, 5pm Opening Ceremony, 5:30pm Live Performances Begin

Traditional Native Blessing, Live Music, Poetry, Tribal Fusion Belly Dance, Acro Yoga, Dance Party, Plant Based Food & Bake Sale, Chair Massage, Art Installations, Art Station, Live Drumming, Sound Healing, card Readings, Crystals, Raffle & MORE!

4pm Open House Meet the Teachers - mini sample classes - art station with Sydney Bernstein

5pm Opening Ceremony Native Blessing & Prayer

5:30pm Live Performances Begin

Live Music by: Alexandra & Krystal, Alana Grier, Natalina, Esme Olivia, Simone, Bo Mason & Vic Henegan

Poetry: Matthew Salzman, Tamara Stackpoole, Scott Adaire

Acrobatic Performance: HFL Team - Alana Lee, Colton Silva, Amy Gates, Willow & Carlo Ratz, Cory Brandt, Matthew Salzman, Scott Adaire

Tribal Fusion Belly Dance - Alana Grier & company

Art Installation:

Mieshiel will be exhibiting six very large intricate pencil drawings from a series called “In the Field” which are surrealistic works based on creating reality from the zero point field where all things become possible.

Mieshiel was born in New York City. He attended Friends Seminary & received his BFA in 1986 from California Institute of the Arts. Upon graduations, Mieshiel moved into a 19th century Masonic Temple in Los Angeles where he co-founded Temple Art Performance, a hub for avante-garde performance art, music & visual art. He later moved to New Mexico & spent the next 24 years in near seclusion, living off the grid. In this high desert sanctuary timelessness & utter quiet allowed him to experience an endless barage of mystical experiences where his art connection with Pablo Amaringo was revealed. In 1982 Mieshiel won competition & created a street mural at Irving Place in NYC. His work has been exhibited nationally & is included in the permanent collections of the Harwood Museum of Art in Taos.

Musical Talent:

Esmé Olivia is a performing & teaching artist grateful to have grown up in occupied Tiwa Pueblo lands known as Albuquerque, NM to a Mestiza Mexican-American mother & Dutch father. Her blood is a peace treaty she honors through prayers of dance, poetry & song. She is a company member with Dancing Earth Creations. Listen, look and learn more at EsmeOlivia.com.

Vic Hennegan has been writing, recording, producing and performing electronic music for several years. As a live performer he has performed at such shows as The Gathering Concert Series in Philadelphia, Cyberstock of Los Angeles, Ecstatic Dance, 5 Rhythms Dance, Soul Motion, Northern California Dance Collective and many other venues around the world. With computers, samplers, vocals and synthesizers, Hennegan’s instinctive hand creates techno- trance and ambient music in a wildly fun, uplifting spiritual experience that will take your soul on a journey to the center of ecstasy.

Alana Grier is a songwriter, vocalist, and bass player with a world beat, eclectic sound. She wrote her first songs performing in Reggae bands in Hawaii, opening up for bands like Alpha Blondie in the mid 80’s. Her first vocal coach studied Hindustani classical voice India. She went to her first Kirtan at age 17 and music has been an integral part of her spiritual practice ever since.

Natalina sharing original music in her brand of Galactic Folkpop


  • HFL classes passes & a monthly membership

  • Personal Sessions with: Alana Lee, Colton Silva, Willow Ratz

  • Gift Cards: Cici’s Coffee, Donabe, Gutiz, The Gorge Restaurant

  • Personal Coaching Package with Alana Grier 365 Wellness

  • Energy Healing Session with Ariana LeDeux

  • Art by Sydney Bernstein

  • Print of original artwork by Mieshiel

  • Three One Hour Reiki Sessions (each $60 value) : with - Jessie of Moon Child Crystals, Julian Laroza & Pattie Sampson

  • Massage Sessions with Corey Klein

  • Rife Healing Session with Melanie Redmond

    Many thanks to everyone who donated to our raffle & all our students & staff that contributed to the Plant Based Bake Sale!

World Sound Healing Day - A Sound Bath & Ceremony

Thursday February 14th, 2019, 3-4pm

Join us for another Ceremony with intention to raise our vibrations individually and collectively!
Valentine’s Day, the day we celebrate relationship and LOVE!
World Sound Healing Day, when we recognize the use of sound in HEALING!
Our intention for this Ceremony is to CELEBRATE and to open ourselves to Love and Healing on all levels.
Bring your drums, rattles, crystal bowls, chimes and bells.
This is a free event, donation are greatly appreciated.
Kids are welcome.
Co-hosted by Mike Two Bears, Ariana, Gael Olmstead and Cliff Bain.

To learn more about World Sound healing day visit: www.WorldSoundHealingDay.org

Full Moon Eclipse Ceremony

Come join us for our Full Wolf Moon Eclipse Ceremony. Sunday January 20th, 12pm-1pm

Not only will this be a full moon, but a super blood moon too! This time will be ample for releasing, celebration, and manifesting.
Eclipses act as potent portals into alternate dimensions of consciousness. When utilized with intentional awareness, we can literally recreate and integrate aspects of self.

We are multidimensional beings - meaning that we exist across all time and space. Our traumas, wounds, patterns and habits don't just exist in the here and now. Working on this physical plane is powerful and beneficial, but when we are able to access the expansiveness of our multidimensional selves, greater, longer lasting and more significant and permanent change takes place.

In this ceremony we will align us selves with the peak of the lunar eclipse and direct our unified focus on core healing and deep clearing on individual and collective level.

Please bring your drum or rattle.

This is a free event, however, we suggest $5 donation to the venue.

Winter Solstice Full Moon Throwing of Bones Ceremony

Saturday December 22nd, 1-3pm

Honor the shifting of the earth’s seasons, the cycles of the moon, and the passages in your life.

Join in sacred ceremonial space to share a Throwing of the Bones Ceremony. Receive guidance from the spirits for your personal path and the turning of the times on our earth.

The healing and doctoring from the spirits begin before we gather and will continue to touch your life after you receive the ceremony.

“I feel a dynamic, living force in this tradition. The bones speak through you powerfully and you carry this lineage with such grace and beauty. I feel called back to myself, affirmed in my path, shown the places I am traveling and have yet to go. Thank you so much.” -M.J.

$25 at the door

JoAnne Dodgson is a healer, teacher, and ceremonial guide in the ways of Ka Ta See, a tradition from the Eastern Andes. For more information, visit: www.joannedodgson.com

RootFlute Cacao Sound Journey with Lucid Meditation

Saturday December 8th, 7:00pm-10pm, Sliding Scale $20-$35 (price includes Cacao & lucid dreaming herbs)

Please join us on a potent subconscious journey through vast hypnotic soundscapes that carry you between dimensions of dream and day. 
This journey will begin with ceremonial grade Organic Guatemalan Cacao, optional lucid dreaming herbs and CBD tincture. Participants will be guided into a visual lucid meditation.

Participants have experienced deep subconscious travels, visionary dreamscapes, lucid dreamstate meditations, remembrances and reconnections of self, deep emotional processing, and other healing experiences. 

The entire soundscape is rooted in C# Sharp 432 Hz, the Om tone of 136.1 Hz.

The RootFlute Sound Journey includes a unique collection of Hansen’s self-made multi-chamber Flutes, 38” Paiste gong, 10 Tibetan singing bowls on an elaborate foot pedal system, didgeridoo, analog synth, shakuhachi, esraj (Indian bowed instrument), soprano saxophone, plate bells, swing chimes, tuned symbols, and an array of percussion instruments. All live looped to create elaborate sonic tapestries.

Visit: RootFlute.com/videos to see the setup live. 

Why Cacao?
Cacao “Food of the Gods” is chocolate as nature created it. 
Cacao has been used ceremonially for thousands of years by indigenous peoples of Central and South America. A sacred gift from Earth Cacao opens the heart and unifies the energy field of the group. While creating a mild euphoric effect, Cacao also sharpens the mind keeping you alert and aware during mindful practice and sound meditation. Daniel sources his cacao directly from Mayan wisdom keepers and has received there blessing to share it with you!

What is “Lucid Meditation”
Hansen has been developing the Lucid Meditation over 100 sound journeys. He has worked with renowned meditation instructors, Mayan Wisdom keepers, and Yoga Nidra facilitators. This meditation is designed to work with the breath and create relaxation in the body, peace in the soul, a deeper connection to sound, and positive visualization in the mind. 

What are lucid dreaming herbs?
Mugwort will be offered in a tincture. This powerful herb has the ability to make dreams longer, clearer, more vivid and pronounced. When combined with the “Lucid Meditation” participants may have an increased visual experience. Enhanced dreams the night of the event is also a possibility. 

What to bring
Anything to aid in your comfort while laying on the floor during the event. 
Small camping pads, yoga mats, pillows, blankets, eye mask, and a water bottle.  

25-40$ sliding scale **organic cacao included in price**
-paypal- rootflute@gmail.com -venmo- 970.333.0249
*Pre-registration is highly recommend*
Cash at Door is always preferred


"Imagine receiving the gift of a journey, but not just any journey… a journey through sound, through the forest of your soul immersed in Daniel Hansen’s spiritually crafted soundscape and adrift upon a sea of essential oil scented air while floating on spreading warmth of freshly brewed Cacao… an immersive and mystical experience like this in the company of beautiful and divine friends is more than a gift, it is a moment in time where the otherworldly essence of the spirit is free to wander down paths of light and tone guided through the landscape of dreams and imagination by a Master Sound Story Teller." - Vagabond Ink

"Thank you Dan Hansen and for an amazing healing sound journey last night!!! It was truly the peace and centering I have been needing! I hope to never miss another! So tremendously wonderful! If you have not experienced this magic, you haven't fully lived. Seriously such a profound experience. Can't wait for the next one!" - Lacy

"So much love to Daniel Hansen for the aaaahhh-mazing Rootflute Sound Journey last night! I am just blown away by the musical mastery, the effortless clearing and the beauty these two created! I can't wait to do it again! (and to one day have a flute of my own!) If you didn't come out, you missed out big time...make sure to come to the next one!" - Nina

"Not knowing what to expect I entered the space at La Paz and got comfortable.
What followed was out of myself and out of this world.
Starting with a full dose of cacao, I got comfortable and followed the guided meditation to a state of relaxation and openness.
The sound delivered by Mr. Root Flute, from his self-made, multi-instrumented station, was phenomenal. It filled my being and carried me off and away. The skill of Daniel's performance is phenomenal.
I started to see things; the rising music lifted me through jungles up to mountains, in moments of repreive I could fly above it all.
Visuals kept coming and I began to see a small version of myself, sat and made of light in the distance. As the music progressed so too did visions until the figure got so close it overlapped my being.
I became it and could see myself sat. An outer body experience. Such was the power of the cacao and the music.
I layed back and drifted on that dreamy edge between sleep and wakefulness.
Sitting back up I felt unblocked. Tears came out.
An excellent experience that took me by surprise and left me feeling positive and uplifted.
Strongly recommended!"

-Stuart Clayton

Sliding scale $20-$35 Please register in advance at: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/rootflute-cacao-sound-journey-w-lucid-meditation-taos-tickets-53108672469?fbclid=IwAR31PHO4N_So92YJ99tsSWsYtor3W9HXAwVogEnxW_HQG1k7FXko4Jy0SyI

Autumn Equinox "Healing Sound Celebration" with Jim Ballard

Adventures In Consciousness With Ariana - special event
Autumn Equinox “Healing Sound Celebration” with Jim Ballard
Saturday September 22, 2018, 2pm-3pm

Special guest, New Mexico intuitive musician Jim Ballard, will present a “Healing Sound Celebration” on the Autumn Equinox. This event uses sound as the vehicle for the arrival of healing from our Souls and High Selves and for celebrating who we truly are.

Following an introduction there will be a silent meditation, accompanied by music, attuning us to the Equinox energies.

Jim will then channel music for you individually, directed by your Soul and High Self. You may have the music address particular issues or allow your Soul and High Self to provide what you need. Feel free to sit, move or lie on the floor while your music is played. There will be a brief silent break at the mid-point.

Following this will be a silent meditation, accompanied by music, focused on the spirit of harvest and release for us personally, ending with our prayerful intentions for the same for our world.

We will close with a foot-stomping chant to get us grounded and ready to safely drive home!

$15 donation. Less is fine, more is appreciated, no one turned away

Hosted by Ariana (aka Vera Le Doux): veraledoux@gmail.com
Website: www.veraledoux.com
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/veraledoux/videos

Free Event - Taos Yoga Festival Opening Ceremony & Vegan Pot Luck

It's a Yoga Party, y'all!

Join us for the Opening Ceremony at High Frequency Loft on Friday, August 31 at 7:30pm. This event is FREE to the public. There will be an invocation and brief meditation followed by a beautiful vegan potluck. Join us to enjoy delicious food and good friends as we welcome the beginning of this grand endeavor. Tickets for the festival will be available at this event. BYOP - we are doing our best to be trash free so please bring your own plate, utensils & serving utensils for your dish :)

Vocal Sound Healing Journey: Throat Love Opening

Saturday August 25th, 2018, 1-5pm High Frequency Loft, Sliding Scale $15-$65, Space is Limited, Pre-Register today at HFL

In this afternoon workshop, you will be guided by Master Vocal Sound Healer Gwendolyn McClure to explore the use of your voice for healing all aspects of your Being. You will be guided to connect with your Heart and with the true Light & Love you are.

You will experience both passive and active vocal sound healing. Passive vocal sound healing is when you experience Gwendolyn singing and making vocal sounds to bring in the frequencies of pure love and light. Active vocal sound healing is when you soften your throat, connect your throat to your heart, and activate your voice to become a tool for clearing & strengthening your spirit and body. You will be guided in how to use your voice to clear pain & lower-frequency emotions, and claim yourself as the source of unconditional love.


Gwendolyn has 29 years of experience in Vocal Sound Healing: the passive and active use of vocal sound and singing for healing and transformation of consciousness. Through Heart, Intuition, and Mind, Gwendolyn shares her Songs and Vocal Sounds, transmitting the vibrational frequency of unconditional love to awaken and inspire people to commit to their healing journey in this body in this lifetime! She created techniques to guide people to “Activate” their Voice as a Self-Healing Tool. Gwendolyn wrote her doctoral dissertation on her work: “A Cross-Cultural Interdisciplinary Study of the Healing Power of Singing & Vocal Sounding” (Pacifica, 1998). Gwendolyn is a monthly contributor to SIBYL Magazine: For the Spirit and Soul of Woman, and has recorded to solo albums: Songs For The Earth, and Lullabies For The Heart. She shares her Gifts in the form of her VocalSoundHealer Radio Show, Concerts, Workshops & Private sessions in and outside the U.S. Gwendolyn has presented in CA, AZ, MI, NY, OR, WA, OH, NM, NV, ID, & Mexico!

And of course USE whatever parts of the BIO you like!! I know it is long!

Dr. Gwendolyn McClure Ph.D. L.MT.

(520) 904-2043



Throwing of Bone Ceremony - August - with Joanne Dodgeson

Join us for the August Throwing of the Bones, an ancient divination ceremony and healing art in the ways of Ka Ta See. In response to your questions, this powerful ceremony offers guidance and healing from the spirits. The doctoring begins before we gather and will continue to touch your life after you receive the ceremony.

Please visit: https://www.joannedodgson.com for more information

Sunday August 19th, 3-5pm, $20 suggested donation

Adventures in Consciousness with Ariana JULY

Saturday July 14th, 4-5pm, by Donation - “Adventures in Consciousness with Ariana” is a monthly exploratory, experiential and experimental event. 

We will gather, connect and feel into the unified energy field of the group and the collective. The energies prevalent in this field will be on the forefront of our consciousness, inviting us to play.  

During this particular post solstice event we will work with tones and light language on the cellular and DNA level in order to shift the physical, mental, and emotional body into a state of coherence and health.

We will be activating the multidimensional brain and strengthening the “feeling muscle”. This is something new for all of us. How do you communicate with the unseen and undefined? That which is always moving, changing, shifting frequency? How do you translate THAT into human words? Do you need to? Can you express it in another way? 

These events could be referred to as the “Multidimensional Playground”, where we explore the heart space as the entry point to the inner worlds of infinite possibilities, where there’s no limit to what we can manifest, CO-CREATE, birth, experience, encounter and play with.

Through guided meditation and energy exercises we will explore a wide variety of topics relevant to the Journey of Awakening:

Unified Energy Fields
Multidimensional Self & Multidimensional Communication
Bilocation and Interdimensional Travel
DNA Activation, Light Body, Merkaba
Portals, Gateways, Gridwork
Healing, Self-healing, Rejuvenation
Ascension and Embodiment of the True Self
Taos City of Light

We are all awakening and beginning to REMEMBER that we are multidimensional beings. As we are all very unique in our genetic design and star heritage, we will empower and inspire each other to bring out the inherent skills hidden in our subconscious.

This is an ongoing event. We meet every second Saturday of the month.

By donation. 

Hosted by Ariana (aka Vera Le Doux): veraledoux@gmail.com
Website: www.veraledoux.com
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/veraledoux/videos

Personal sessions includes hands on healing and activation of your ultimate potential. By donation.


Breath & Sound Healing Circle w/ Alana & Alexandra

Sunday May 20th, 2-4pm, Sliding Scale $5-$25

Join Alana & Alexandra for a blissful afternoon of transmutation & a chance to activate your self healing abilities through:

~ Self Guided Energy Cleansing

~ Transformational Breathwork

 ~ Crystal Bowl Sound Healing

Has the stress of daily life got you down? Are there worries or fears that you have been dealing with? Are there any stagnant or challenging energies, emotions or situations that you want to release? Are you doing amazing & just want to enhance your greatness? Do you want to manifest your hearts truest desires? Then join us for this truly transformative afternoon. We will create a safe space & container for self love & deep healing. Wear Comfortable Clothes & Bring a journal. 


New Moon Women's Circle with Kelly White

May 16th at 7:30pm,  Sliding scale- $0-15

I would love for join me for the next women's moon circle on at The High Frequency Loft.  We will gather together to open our hearts and hold space for one another.  

The evening will start out with a crystal bowl sound healing to help us ground deeper into the earth, moving through to the Shamanic journey where the drum will stimulate the brain to help synthesize natural beta-endorphins, which facilitate you to move into what is known as the 'second attention', an altered state of awareness, or shamanic state of consciousness.  This state of awareness facilitates the Shamanic Journey.   The constant drumming will be used for the purpose of inducing a range of ecstatic trance states in order to connect with the spiritual dimension of reality.  I invite you to share your journey before we move on to setting our intentions with the energy of the new moon still high.  Closing our circle with yoga nidra to send you out into the world relaxed and fully emobodied

Please bring a journal. 

Dress in whatever you feel the most comfortable. Please limit your use of perfumes or sprays to respect any allergies that some may be experiencing.

Blessings to you dear sisters. Hope to see you all soon. 



Kelly Rae



Full Moon Ceremony • Throwing of the Bones

Sunday April 29th, 1-3pm ~ In many cultures, Full Moon is a time of gathering for community ceremony. Come join us for Throwing of the Bones Ceremony, an ancient divination and healing art in the ways of Ka Ta See. In response to your questions, this powerful healing ceremony offers guidance, doctoring, and teachings from the spirits in the bone bundle. The doctoring and gifts from the spirits will begin before we meet and continue to touch your life after you receive the ceremony.

JoAnne Dodgson • www.joannedodgson.com
$20 suggested donation


Lunar New Year Ceremony - Throwing of the Bones - Peruvian Healing Art w/ Joanne Dodgson

New Years Ceremony - Peruvian Divination & Healing Art

Bone Throwing in the ways of Ka Ta See is an ancient divination ceremony and healing art. Bone Throws offer guidance and doctoring from the sixty-plus Spirits in the bone bundle. Experience the beauty and healing of this ancient ceremony during our gathering.

Sunday February 18th, 1pm-3pm, $20 suggested donation

JoAnne Dodgson is a healer, teacher, and ceremonial guide in the ways of Ka Ta See, a tradition from the Eastern Andes.


A very special gathering to honor our mothers ~ your mother

joanne@joannedodgson.com • 505.579.0074