World Sound Healing Day - A Sound Bath & Ceremony

Thursday February 14th, 2019, 3-4pm

Join us for another Ceremony with intention to raise our vibrations individually and collectively!
Valentine’s Day, the day we celebrate relationship and LOVE!
World Sound Healing Day, when we recognize the use of sound in HEALING!
Our intention for this Ceremony is to CELEBRATE and to open ourselves to Love and Healing on all levels.
Bring your drums, rattles, crystal bowls, chimes and bells.
This is a free event, donation are greatly appreciated.
Kids are welcome.
Co-hosted by Mike Two Bears, Ariana, Gael Olmstead and Cliff Bain.

To learn more about World Sound healing day visit:

FREE YOGA for anyone with Mental Health or Substance Use Conditions - ALL of October!

Sponsored by OPRE & Taos Alive we are so excited to be able to off FREE YOGA & Meditation to anyone with Mental Health or Substance Use conditions. This includes anyone in Recovery as well as anyone working in the field! This special offer is good for any Yoga or Meditation class on our regular class schedule. No questions asked, simply just write "OPRE" in the payment section. 

Here is our Yoga Class Schedule:

Mon-Satuday 9am - Yoga

Monday/Thursday 12pm - Gentle Yoga Pilates

Tuesday 12pm - Yoga

Weds/Fri 5pm - Yoga

Thursday 5pm - Meditation

Mon/Weds/Friday 6pm AcroYoga (partner acrobatic Yoga, no partner necessary)

We have a few gas cards available for those in need. We will also be gifting Yoga Mats to anyone who attends 12 or more classes during this time period. 

Questions? Call Alana Lee at 575-425-0709

Opening Your Telepathic Channels

Sundays 4-6pm, Starting May 27th, Sliding Scale $15-$30, Drop Ins welcome

Awaken your innate ability to communicate with Higher Realms

Opening your Telepathic Channels 3 Week Course with Lindsay Aya McGowen

We are multi-dimensional beings living in a multi-dimensional world. Communicating with ethereal realms is your birthright, a sacred gift that is alive in every cell of your being. 

As we birth a new level of consciousness on the planet we are naturally called to connect with the vibrational world of subtle energy. Once we open the door to this vast universe we can meet our spiritual guides, angels & archangels, avatars, ascended masters, devas & ancient guardians, deceased loved ones, totem animals, star beings & more.

Like learning a new language, honing telepathic skills requires trust, play, & practice. 
Your journey begins now. 


BIO: Lindsay is a telepathic translator and intuitive to a council of 30 ascended light beings. Her communication with this divine council allows her to provide detailed guidance to support the evolution of each client’s highest self and facilitate the realization of their deepest goals and desires. Lindsay’s work is clarifying, uplifting, & empowering. It is her truest privilege to offer this service.

Adventures in Consciousness with Ariana

Second Saturday of the Month - Saturday June 9th & Saturday July 14th, 4pm, $10 Suggested Donation

A monthly event without structure or outline. In the light of the new energies we will gather, connect and feel into the unified energy field of the group and the collective. The focus will be on activating the multidimensional brain and strengthening the “feeling muscle”.

This  is something new for all of us. How do you communicate with the unseen and undefined? That which is always moving, changing, shifting frequency? How do you translate it into human words?

These events could be referred to as the Multidimensional Playground, where we explore the heart space as the entry point to the inner worlds of infinite possibilities, where there’s no limit to what we can manifest, co-create, birth, experience, encounter and play with.

We are all awakening and beginning to REMEMBER that we are multidimensional beings. As we are all very unique in our genetic design and star heritage we will empower and inspire each other to bring out the inherent skills hidden in our subconscious.  

Hosted by Ariana (aka Vera Le Doux):

Mindfulness Weekend Retreat w/ Alana Grier

We will focus on evidence based stress reduction approaches including Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Program by Jon Kabat- Zinn. Students also explore the origins of Mindfulness practices in ancient Yogic texts. 

Learn Mindfulness techniques to reduce anxiety and feelings of panic, manage chronic pain and other conditions, and improve overall quality of life and relationships. Within these ten hours, we will become comfortable with basic mindfulness exercises regularly taught in MBSR.

Yoga Teacher can receive CEU's for taking this course. 

Saturday 1/27 & Sunday 1/28: 11am-6pm

Cost: $175