Sponsored by OPRE & Taos Alive we are so excited to be able to off FREE YOGA & Meditation to anyone with Mental Health or Substance Use conditions. This includes anyone in Recovery as well as anyone working in the field! This special offer is good for any Yoga or Meditation class on our regular class schedule. No questions asked, simply just write "OPRE" in the payment section.
Here is our Yoga Class Schedule:
Mon-Satuday 9am - Yoga
Monday/Thursday 12pm - Gentle Yoga Pilates
Tuesday 12pm - Yoga
Weds/Fri 5pm - Yoga
Thursday 5pm - Meditation
Mon/Weds/Friday 6pm AcroYoga (partner acrobatic Yoga, no partner necessary)
We have a few gas cards available for those in need. We will also be gifting Yoga Mats to anyone who attends 12 or more classes during this time period.
Questions? Call Alana Lee at 575-425-0709