Sanskrit Workshop - Discovering the Language of the Vedas

Sanskrit Workshop - Discovering the Language of the Vedas

Saturday May 18th, 2:30-5:30 Part I

Saturday May 25th, 2:30-5:30 Part II

Suggested Donation $54 - sliding scale available, no one turned away for lack of funds

Chanting and writing the Sanskrit alphabet is a powerful tool and contemplative practice. In this workshop we will explore and practice chanting the alphabet using 5 mouth positions with a focus on producing precise sounds. You will also learn Devangari - the written script, and how to use it as a form of Likhita Japa - written repetition of a mantra as a meditation. Simple stretching breaks will be included. Please bring a notebook and a felt tipped pen.

Yamuna Devi, CYT, TY YTT has been teaching the Yogic Arts and Sciences for 30 years, including Hatha, Raja, Karma, Bhakti and Nada Yoga, as well as the vibrational aspects of Sanskrit. A Reiki Master, Yamuna corrected her own scoliosis and rotated pelvis, and intuitively understands the needs and how to best work with each individual student, helping to identify and overcome perceived limitations and obstacles.  She is truly in her element when she is sharing knowledge with those who are hungry. She has taught around the US, India and Crete and was an original cofounder of the Three Rivers Yoga Institute, where she also trained teachers for 12 years.  Yamuna is also a potter, Animal Communicator, Kirtan Singer and Dog Mom to three rescues.

Women's Herbal Healing: An intro class to easy and accessible natural health care for women- from menses to peri-menopause

Women's Herbal Healing: An intro class to easy and accessible natural health care for women- from menses to peri-menopause.
Dates: Fridays - May 17th (menses), May 24th (pregnancy, birth, and postpartum), and May 31st (peri-menopause)  Time: 1-3 pm Cost: $20-$30 sliding scale/class

Description: Each class will offer in-depth discussion, demonstration, and historical use of simple herbs used for the optimum nutrition, imbalances, and dis-eases that are associated with each topic of class. We will discuss the folk traditions around simple and safe herbal medicine, the energetic and metaphoric symbolism of common imbalances, the history and use of bajos (vaginal steams), and preparations for a healthy menstruation, childbearing, and peri-menopause. 

*Bring your own notebook and mug for tea time. 


"I have been studying herbal medicine for 8 years, with a particular interested for women's health. Incorporated in my practice are Goddess studies, a certification as a Community Herbalist from Moondance Botanicals, midwifery studies, birth-assistant trainings, traditional Mexhika healing and medicine practices, Western European herbal knowledge, Prenatal yoga, and Southwest herbal knowledge.  Currently, I am an apprentice with Kalpulli Teocalli Ollin, studying curanderismo with CC Nava, and working towards a certification in INNATE Postpartum Care with Rachelle Garcia Saliga.  I am only at the beginning of my journey; honored to have attained and remembered this wisdom and knowledge, as well as share it with my community."

Goddess Embodiment 4 Week Group Course

When/Where/What’s Up

Saturday’s in April 4pm-6pm @ The High Frequency Loft, Cost $111 (payment plans available)

What You Get:

  • movement, art, experiences, and healing to awaken and deepen connection to the goddess within 

  • weekly journaling project

  • online group to share and chat with as we move through and past the course, so life connections women’s circle

  • cacao ceremony

  • guest speakers

Starts Saturday April 6th:

Week One: 

Invoking Inner Goddess

with prenatal psychologist Kathryn Terry

Week Two: 

Women’s Body Wisdom

with Ayurvedic healer Tovia Weitman

Week Three: 

Role of Women in the Golden Age

video lecture with Devi Ma

Week Four: 

Ovulation Awareness

with midwife Madrona

How to Register/More Information:

email Willow:

call or text: 575.770.2604

Opening Your Telepathic Channels

Sundays 4-6pm, Starting May 27th, Sliding Scale $15-$30, Drop Ins welcome

Awaken your innate ability to communicate with Higher Realms

Opening your Telepathic Channels 3 Week Course with Lindsay Aya McGowen

We are multi-dimensional beings living in a multi-dimensional world. Communicating with ethereal realms is your birthright, a sacred gift that is alive in every cell of your being. 

As we birth a new level of consciousness on the planet we are naturally called to connect with the vibrational world of subtle energy. Once we open the door to this vast universe we can meet our spiritual guides, angels & archangels, avatars, ascended masters, devas & ancient guardians, deceased loved ones, totem animals, star beings & more.

Like learning a new language, honing telepathic skills requires trust, play, & practice. 
Your journey begins now. 


BIO: Lindsay is a telepathic translator and intuitive to a council of 30 ascended light beings. Her communication with this divine council allows her to provide detailed guidance to support the evolution of each client’s highest self and facilitate the realization of their deepest goals and desires. Lindsay’s work is clarifying, uplifting, & empowering. It is her truest privilege to offer this service.

Surya Namaskar - Solar Powered Sadhana - Four Week Series: Part 1 - w/ Yamuna Devi

Surya Namasker – Solar Powered Sadhana 

Four week series Sundays 1:30pm-3pm beginning October 8th.

Until the early 20th century, Surya Namaskar was a Vedic practice – a ritual honoring the arrival of Surya, the Sun and was practiced as a morning prayer.  The Sun Salutation was much more than an exercise, and praised the Sun in 12 aspects as he moves through the 12 astrological houses.   The Sun Salutation began being integrated into Hatha Yoga practice after Swami Sivananda recognized the many health benefits that are a side effect of the practice, sometime in the late 1930’s-40’s.  Today, Surya Namaskar is found in many lineages of Hatha Yoga.

A four week series exploring the Vedic roots and history of the classical Salutation to the Sun and its evolution into a completeHatha Yoga practice. Learn how to activate the chakras and chant the bija (seed) sounds and mantras for each posture.  Appropriate modifications of all postures and movements can easily be modified for both the beginner and the experienced student, as well as those with physical or medical limitations.  Each class will include theory as well as practice, so bring a notebook and pen, as well as your mat, and will conclude with guided deep relaxation.  You can attend any or all of the first three sessions, however Week 4 requires participation in the preceding sessions.

Week 1:  Surya Namaskar - Salutation to the Sun
In the first class, you will be introduced to the Classical Sun Salutation with a focus on correct alignment in each position. Modifications andadaptations will be offered that will allow all levels of student to comfortably practice Surya Namaskar.  Students with medical or physical limitations will be shown how to safely accommodate individual needs.  

Week 2:  Surya Namaskar and Solar Chakra Activation
When we practice the Salutation to the Sun, powerful activation of the chakras can be consciously initiated through visualization and intention. Not only are the major chakras brought into play, but also some of the many minor chakras located in the body.  In the second portion of class, you will learn how to combine the chakra work with the Sun Salutation.

Week 3:  Surya Namaskar and the Bija Sounds and Mantras
In the Vedic tradition, each of the postures of the Sun Salutation has a one syllable ‘seed’  sound, and a Surya mantra describing the attributes of the Sun. The mantras may be recited as a meditation, as well as incorporated into Surya Namaskar, which will be covered in the second portion of this class.  


Week 4:  Integration of Surya Namaskar – Solar Powered Sadhana. 
In the final installment of the series, a brief review of chakra activation and the bijas and mantras will move us into a practice that will blend all aspects into the actual practice, creating the Solar Powered Sadhana!  Participation in the first three classes is necessary as this is the culmination of the series!

$20/Class or all four $75 in advance!  Sliding Scale – no one turned away for lack of funds.


Yamuna Devi, CYT, TY YTT has been teaching the Yogic Arts and Sciences for 30 years, including Hatha, Raja, Karma, Bhakti and Nada Yoga, as well as the vibrational aspects of Sanskrit. A Reiki Master, Yamuna corrected her own scoliosis and rotated pelvis, and intuitively understands the needs and how to best work with each individual student, helping to identify and overcome perceived limitations and obstacles.  She is truly in her element when she is sharing knowledge with those who are hungry. She has taught around the US, India and Crete and was an original cofounder of the Three Rivers Yoga Institute, where she also trained teachers for 12 years.  Yamuna is also a potter, Animal Communicator, Kirtan Singer and Dog Mom to three rescues.