Women's Herbal Healing: An intro class to easy and accessible natural health care for women- from menses to peri-menopause

Women's Herbal Healing: An intro class to easy and accessible natural health care for women- from menses to peri-menopause.
Dates: Fridays - May 17th (menses), May 24th (pregnancy, birth, and postpartum), and May 31st (peri-menopause)  Time: 1-3 pm Cost: $20-$30 sliding scale/class

Description: Each class will offer in-depth discussion, demonstration, and historical use of simple herbs used for the optimum nutrition, imbalances, and dis-eases that are associated with each topic of class. We will discuss the folk traditions around simple and safe herbal medicine, the energetic and metaphoric symbolism of common imbalances, the history and use of bajos (vaginal steams), and preparations for a healthy menstruation, childbearing, and peri-menopause. 

*Bring your own notebook and mug for tea time. 


"I have been studying herbal medicine for 8 years, with a particular interested for women's health. Incorporated in my practice are Goddess studies, a certification as a Community Herbalist from Moondance Botanicals, midwifery studies, birth-assistant trainings, traditional Mexhika healing and medicine practices, Western European herbal knowledge, Prenatal yoga, and Southwest herbal knowledge.  Currently, I am an apprentice with Kalpulli Teocalli Ollin, studying curanderismo with CC Nava, and working towards a certification in INNATE Postpartum Care with Rachelle Garcia Saliga.  I am only at the beginning of my journey; honored to have attained and remembered this wisdom and knowledge, as well as share it with my community."

Young Women's Circle - Herbs, Earth & Moon

A bi-weekly gathering for 12 year old girls to promote sisterhood & empowerment, physical, psychological, spiritual well being & self love through self care. This is a safe, fun, inspirational space for navigating the changes from childhood to womanhood while deepening into a support network with other young women under the gentle guidance of big sisters & aunties who will share their wisdom, gifts & tools. There will be different guest speakers each week to give the girls various flavors of role models; all women walking their empowered path.

The Schedule:

Dec 3rd- Discovering the Goddess; 
self care & our gifts
Dec 17th - Herbs, Earth & Moon; herbal remedies, our physical connection to the earth, menstruation & moon cycles. *Solstice celebration
Dec 31st - Embracing Winter & New Year; inner world, listening to the body, observing the mind, setting intention & goals
Jan 14th - Rituals & Routines; caring for mind, body & spirit with daily practice
Jan 21st - *12pm-3pm special time* Respecting & Protecting; Sacred body & sexuality  
Feb 4th - Initiation into womanhood

Want to know more? Join us
Sunday November 26th, 4:30pm-5:30pm for a
meet & greet/ Q&A with the main facilitator, Krystal Cretecos
contact: 720-355-2555 krystallcreate@gmail.com