Chakras, Mythology, and Astrological Symbolism

Sunday, September 12, 4-6 pm

$25 or sliding scale

Chakras, Mythology, and Astrological Symbolism is a two-hour exploration of our spiritual anatomy, the Chakras, that define who we are on an energetic level and give rise to everything we do, think, and feel in our day to day lives. The characters and stories from Greek, Roman, Hebrew, and Christian mythologies illustrate these dynamic forces and clue us in as to how we may harness or fall prey to their influence.

Astrologer Johnny Barnett has presented this talk from coast to coast for the last 10 years and has studied astrology for the last 29. His practice – Chakraology- is a synthesis of Western and Vedic astrological styles, coupled with the largely forgotten, yet obvious connection of the 7 visible planets of Classic Astrology with the 7 Chakras.

Johnny has been a practicing Astrologer for over 29 years. His unique astrological perspective is based upon the relationship between the 7 planets of classical astrology and the 7 Chakras–thus Chakraology – an embracing of the Hermetic wisdom “as without, so within”. He draws upon his complementary studies in symbolism, mythology, Jungian psychology, physics and the works of contemporary and recent thinkers such as Eckhart Tolle and Joseph Campbell, as well as his experiences as a father, husband, entrepreneur, community activist and musician to inform his work. Johnny currently travels the US  presenting his talk, teaching Chakraology classes, and doing private astrological readings, and has recently (May 2018) published his first book– ”Chakras, Mythology and Astrological Symbolism” based upon his two-hour talk.

Check out his: website ~ FaceBook

Monthly Healing Circle with Ariana - postponed

Postponed, This event will happen monthly on the 4th Sunday of the month :) We are looking into doing this via ZOOM

Gathering together in a circle to heal is a primordial human tradition. Coming into the circle we move outside our normal sense of space and time - into a sacred space. This sacred space opens a Portal of Love & Light allowing us to connect to a deeper wisdom within and to all the help available to us from higher realms.
Welcome to The Healing Circle - a monthly experiential and experimental event at the High Frequency Loft - where we explore the higher dimensional technologies as a tool for personal, collective and planetary healing.
Our main focus will be on the power of thought and intention, power of sound and vibration, power of love and forgiveness and on retraining the mind.

In this monthly event you will:
*learn how to balance your energy field
*release beliefs, patterns and imprints that are outmoded
*clear your emotional body
*activate your ultimate potential
*experience yourself as your True Self, as your Soul's Essence
*increase your vibration, expand your consciousness
*initiate the body’s self healing abilities
*learn about quantum healing & unified energy fields
*learn about higher dimensional healing technologies

Hosted by Ariana

This is a free event, donations are greatly appreciated.

About Vera Ariana Le Doux:
I am passionate about Guided Meditations and Adventures in Consciousness as a tool to experience the world of unseen and undefined. Once we let go of the identity, the old self, we anchor our Divinity, the True Self, that which is Limitless, Fearless and Free. There is nothing to do but be, be who you are - a Source Energy Being! Awake, aware and truly ALIVE! Vibrating at the frequency of Joy, embodying your Ultimate Potential.

Feel free to download my artwork. The images portrayed on this website have specific encodements to activate ascension energies. Color codes emanate frequencies that are specific to your individual light bodies. Your light body discerns the appropriate codes and then integrates them into your frequency field.



Udemy video course Transformational Healing:

Adventures in Consciousness with Ariana - September - Taos City of Light

Saturday September 8th, 2018, 2pm-3pm.

The September “Adventure in Consciousness with Ariana” will be a special event, as we will be celebrating Taos City of Light 9 year anniversary.

Taos City of Light was born on 9-9-9 (September 9, 2009) by downloading high frequencies into the unified energy field of our community and into the crystals, that now form a circle around Taos. 

Ever since that day, a group of starseeds and lightworkers dedicated to this thought project has been meeting on a regular basis with intention to fuel Light into our community. Every time we gather for a meditation or a ceremony, we raise not only our very own vibration, but also the vibration of the unified energy field of Taos, the human collective and the planet. And that’s how we contribute to the birth of a new just society and a higher dimensional community based on Love, Joy, Freedom, Truth, Life, Gratitude, Grace, and Well-Being. 

Taos City of Light is the sum of all of us. It is the Light we are emitting individually and collectively. We visualize it as a shimmering light permeating everything on quantum particle level, forming a dome over Taos with a strong outer layer, which keeps our high vibrations in and any lower vibrations out, including air pollution, radiation and any undesirable weather patterns. 

During this event you will have the opportunity to feel into all the aspects of co-creation and manifestation of Cities of Light – physical and etheric crystals, creation of sacred places, opening of portals and working with the Galactics, Elementals, Ascended Masters & other allies from higher realms. 

For a greater comprehension of the concept of creation of Cities of Light visit Ariana's Youtube channel, specifically the Cities of Light playlist:

By donation. 

Hosted by Ariana (aka Vera Le Doux):

Adventures in Consciousness with Ariana JULY

Saturday July 14th, 4-5pm, by Donation - “Adventures in Consciousness with Ariana” is a monthly exploratory, experiential and experimental event. 

We will gather, connect and feel into the unified energy field of the group and the collective. The energies prevalent in this field will be on the forefront of our consciousness, inviting us to play.  

During this particular post solstice event we will work with tones and light language on the cellular and DNA level in order to shift the physical, mental, and emotional body into a state of coherence and health.

We will be activating the multidimensional brain and strengthening the “feeling muscle”. This is something new for all of us. How do you communicate with the unseen and undefined? That which is always moving, changing, shifting frequency? How do you translate THAT into human words? Do you need to? Can you express it in another way? 

These events could be referred to as the “Multidimensional Playground”, where we explore the heart space as the entry point to the inner worlds of infinite possibilities, where there’s no limit to what we can manifest, CO-CREATE, birth, experience, encounter and play with.

Through guided meditation and energy exercises we will explore a wide variety of topics relevant to the Journey of Awakening:

Unified Energy Fields
Multidimensional Self & Multidimensional Communication
Bilocation and Interdimensional Travel
DNA Activation, Light Body, Merkaba
Portals, Gateways, Gridwork
Healing, Self-healing, Rejuvenation
Ascension and Embodiment of the True Self
Taos City of Light

We are all awakening and beginning to REMEMBER that we are multidimensional beings. As we are all very unique in our genetic design and star heritage, we will empower and inspire each other to bring out the inherent skills hidden in our subconscious.

This is an ongoing event. We meet every second Saturday of the month.

By donation. 

Hosted by Ariana (aka Vera Le Doux):

Personal sessions includes hands on healing and activation of your ultimate potential. By donation.