Vocal Sound Healing Journey: Throat Love Opening

Saturday August 25th, 2018, 1-5pm High Frequency Loft, Sliding Scale $15-$65, Space is Limited, Pre-Register today at HFL

In this afternoon workshop, you will be guided by Master Vocal Sound Healer Gwendolyn McClure to explore the use of your voice for healing all aspects of your Being. You will be guided to connect with your Heart and with the true Light & Love you are.

You will experience both passive and active vocal sound healing. Passive vocal sound healing is when you experience Gwendolyn singing and making vocal sounds to bring in the frequencies of pure love and light. Active vocal sound healing is when you soften your throat, connect your throat to your heart, and activate your voice to become a tool for clearing & strengthening your spirit and body. You will be guided in how to use your voice to clear pain & lower-frequency emotions, and claim yourself as the source of unconditional love.


Gwendolyn has 29 years of experience in Vocal Sound Healing: the passive and active use of vocal sound and singing for healing and transformation of consciousness. Through Heart, Intuition, and Mind, Gwendolyn shares her Songs and Vocal Sounds, transmitting the vibrational frequency of unconditional love to awaken and inspire people to commit to their healing journey in this body in this lifetime! She created techniques to guide people to “Activate” their Voice as a Self-Healing Tool. Gwendolyn wrote her doctoral dissertation on her work: “A Cross-Cultural Interdisciplinary Study of the Healing Power of Singing & Vocal Sounding” (Pacifica, 1998). Gwendolyn is a monthly contributor to SIBYL Magazine: For the Spirit and Soul of Woman, and has recorded to solo albums: Songs For The Earth, and Lullabies For The Heart. She shares her Gifts in the form of her VocalSoundHealer Radio Show, Concerts, Workshops & Private sessions in and outside the U.S. Gwendolyn has presented in CA, AZ, MI, NY, OR, WA, OH, NM, NV, ID, & Mexico!

And of course USE whatever parts of the BIO you like!! I know it is long!

Dr. Gwendolyn McClure Ph.D. L.MT.

(520) 904-2043

