Full Moon Eclipse Ceremony

Come join us for our Full Wolf Moon Eclipse Ceremony. Sunday January 20th, 12pm-1pm

Not only will this be a full moon, but a super blood moon too! This time will be ample for releasing, celebration, and manifesting.
Eclipses act as potent portals into alternate dimensions of consciousness. When utilized with intentional awareness, we can literally recreate and integrate aspects of self.

We are multidimensional beings - meaning that we exist across all time and space. Our traumas, wounds, patterns and habits don't just exist in the here and now. Working on this physical plane is powerful and beneficial, but when we are able to access the expansiveness of our multidimensional selves, greater, longer lasting and more significant and permanent change takes place.

In this ceremony we will align us selves with the peak of the lunar eclipse and direct our unified focus on core healing and deep clearing on individual and collective level.

Please bring your drum or rattle.

This is a free event, however, we suggest $5 donation to the venue.