Multidimensional Playground - Bilocation w/ Ariana

The focus of our November 5th, 1:30pm gathering on the Multidimensional Playground is BILOCATION. We will explore topics such as:

• Traveling up the corridor of light
• Walking across the bridge of light
• Shimmering
• Thought projection

Bilocation means being at two places simultaneously. Being a multidimensional being you can trilocate and beyond. Bilocation practice is a great way to stretch your level of perception and to activate your Multidimensional Brain.

While bilocating in 3D/4D you are in your physical body and you bilocate in your etheric body. That’s why bilocation feels as astral travel. The etheric body is able to observe the new location and gather information, but is unable to interact. This will change once we have transmuted our physical bodies into light bodies.

Bilocation also feels as Merkaba travel/teletransportation, but only so long you live in 3D/4D. After all - these techniques have different purpose. In bilocation we are projecting into another reality while being in our bodies. In teletransportation you are leaving this dimension, taking the vehicle with you.

Suggested donation $5-10. Hope to see you there.

Love, Ariana
(aka Vera Le Doux)

This event is a part of an ongoing series - the next one is scheduled for December 3rd, 3:30PM.

The Multidimensional Playground is a place of expansion and mastery. Together we explore the heart space as the entry point to the inner worlds of infinite possibilities, where there’s no limit to what we can manifest, co-create, birth, experience, encounter and play with.

Through guided meditation and energy exercises we will explore a wide variety of topics relevant to the Journey of Awakening.

This playground is not about teaching and learning - we are all awakening and beginning to REMEMBER and comprehend our Multidimensional Self. As we are all very unique in our genetic design and star heritage we empower and inspire each other to bring out the inherent skills hidden in our subconscious. The focus will be on stretching the brain and activating the multidimensional brain, on getting comfortable to use the FEELING as a guidance and on learning how to express the invisible and undefined.