Kirtan with the Band of Now - visiting Taos from Arizona

Friday June 15th, 7:30pm Sliding Scale $15-20 no one turned away for lack of funds!

Relax, breath and sing of beautiful things! 
Join us for a sweet evening of singing divine names and prayers. Kirtan is a call and response style of singing based in the Bhakti yoga science. Stilling the mind, softening the heart, evoking joy, and dissolving seperateness are just some of the magical benefits of this ancient practice. And it's just a sweet time in community. No experience necessary. Come join the band!
Check out our website:

Meet the band.
Prem Vidu - Vocals & Guitar
Blessed to be raised by musical parents, growing up on the sweet sounds of barbershop and dominant 7 chords, Prem Vidu was always interested in the intention behind the music. After gaining his BFA in Percussion Performance & Jazz Studies, life eventually led him to share his devotion through song and prayer. Guided to facilitate spirit-medicine journeys, he combines 10 years of leading ceremony with an 8 year practice of chanting. With a lifetime of musical experience, he now offers Kirtan, inviting all to share their voices together in devotion. He currently composes for, directs and leads The Band of Now, blending Sanskrit mantra and English lyrics, creating a sacred space for healing, peace and joy to cultivate.

Cassandra Bright - Vocals, Percussion & Harmonium
Cassandra began her yoga journey in 1998. Overwhelmed with life at the time...synchronistically, yoga arrived. Her first yoga experience (an Ashtanga Vinyasa class) kicked her butt, yet she wept with gratitude -- she’d found her way Home. Yoga instantly meant more than movement or exercise; it meant reconnecting with Self, with that part that was quietly awaiting her return. Drawing her deeper into yoga, and to yoga teaching training, she completed her first 200 hr YTT in Scottsdale in 1999, then journeyed to mother India in 2007 to experience Nithya Yoga, where she became Ordained as a Yogacharya and Ananda Spiritual Healer. Her study of Self and Yoga continue, recently completing an advanced training in Yoga & Ayurveda.The opening of her center, Gilbert Yoga in 2003, has allowed her and many others to share the gifts of yoga with thousands, and to initiate others into teaching as well.
Beginning with an asana based practice, she now finds her heart immersed in Bhakti Yoga, singing with her partner Prem Vidu in their band, The Band of Now. Together they hold space for heartfelt, soul-stirring yoga-medicine to flow.

Joined by Kelly Love - Vocals & Harmonium
Kelly Love is a beloved and highly valued kirtan response singer and has toured and played with kirtan artists near and far such as Girish, Larisa Stow & Johanna Beekman. She has been on stages of the biggest yoga and kirtan festivals, BhaktiFest and ShaktiFest, as well as many others. Kelly plays harmonium and adds her unique harmony vocals complementing her lead. When Kelly is not traveling the kirtan road, she shares her healing light through Thai Yoga Massage and Reiki. She is the founder of One Sacred Pearl providing lovingly crafted ritual tools for your holistic healing.