SoulMonic Sound Journey w/ Three Trees! Sonic Alchemy Medicine<3

Saturday January 26th, 6-8pm Message from Three Trees:

I'm honored and grateful to offer this powerful journey as my passion and Divine service. This is a Sonic Ceremony., an Alchemy of Shamanic and Contemporary Sound Healing...Infused with Love and Guided by the Divine ♥ ... (2hr)
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With over 18 yrs. sound healing experience, Three Trees integrates many methodologies and traditions into the powerful SoulMonic Sound Journey. This is a sound healing blended with a shamanic journey, taking you into a magical rhythmic, and harmonic experience that goes to new depths of energetic healing- clearing and awakening...
Using a variety of sound-healing techniques and instruments including the didgeridoo, crystal & Tibetan bowls, vocal toning, ancient chants, gongs, tuning forks, flute, Halo drum/Rav Vast, chimes, and rattles, while focusing on the therapeutic powers locked within the Drum and healing rhythms.
SoulMonic Sound Healing journeys take you into a state of Sacred being, wherein you experience transformative, deep connectedness as you journey into your own personal, multi-dimensional experience.
♥ Vibrate in the healing sounds and surrender into the Sacred... Deepen and anchor your Divine connection and Path..
Blessings..Three Trees

SoulMonic Healings:
Different sound frequencies/vibrations interact with our physical, emotional and energetic bodies in beneficial ways. These effects are increased when through Divine guidance in a Sacred and safe container... some effects that can be experienced are...
~ Promotes Deep Meditation
~ Align bio-rhythms
~ Release Emotional Trauma
~ Clear and balance chakras
~ Release stagnant energies
~ relief of physical and emotional pain
~ Relieves Anxiety and Stress
~ Sonic Entrainment to Sync and Reset the body's systems
~ Decreases Depression
~ Open Higher States of Consciousness
~ Clear and activate DNA and meridians
~ Feelings of Peace and Oneness
~ Normalizes Blood Pressure
~ Receive inner guidance and insight
~ Unlock the body's self-healing powers
~ Deepen your connection to Divine love & peace

From ancestral connection and memory to Divine communion and awakenings. This unique experience incorporates ancient, and contemporary sound healing techniques to facilitate healing on all levels. Say yes to some love and healing on this Sacred journey evening. Come immerse in the rhythms and frequencies for our physical, mental/emotional and spiritual health and evolution...
Hope to see you there :)
As always, this is open to the bring a friend :)

Self Investment: sliding scale $25- $40
more info @ or call me direct @. 480-748-1675
length: 2 hr.
special info: bringing a pillow is recommended for comfort. A limited supply of yoga mats and blankets will be available, but bringing your own is encouraged :)

Love and Bless... Three Trees ♥