CANCELED - Winter Kundalini Series

CANCELLED - Due to lack of sign ups. But don’t worry - Shawna will be planning another series in the future,

Facilitated by Shawna Johnson

Thursdays, January 2nd – February 6th (No class Jan 9th), 5:30pm – 7:00pm

$85 full Series / $20 drop ins

In this dark time of the cycle of the seasons, we invite you to join us for a six-week Kundalini Yoga & Meditation series. We will go on a nurturing journey together, first embracing and playing with the healing medicine of inner warmth to find stability, and making peace with what we find within. Each week we will be moving slowly into awakening of new seeds planted in the soil of our “Soul Gardens”, and preparing our bodies and minds for the shift to Spring time.

Journaling will be included during each class to reflect and to develop the seeds of your own visions (Bring your own journal and pen, please).

REGISTER TODAY for the full series as space is limited!

Bio: Shawna Johnson is a Spirit medium, a Vedic Jyotish astrologer, and trauma-informed yoga and meditation instructor. She has been teaching and studying for over five years. Shawna also studied with Dr. Jinju Dasalla of NaiAsa Institute, learning the power of dance and sacred women& circles in the process of healing.

Shawna believes that astrology provides powerful medicine for re-membering all of the Self and utilizing this knowledge as alchemy for co-creating your life. What gives her the most joy is not only witnessing the aha moments with a client, but to then take it a step further and work with them to design yoga and meditation practices that transform challenges into opportunities. She cares very deeply about her clients, seeking to support their individual mind, body, and spirit growth. To blossom into the fullness of one’s being is the highest form of yoga. Shawna’s own journey through trauma healing and addiction recovery has formed in her a unique and soulful approach to providing a gentle yet powerful container to witness her clients’ journey. With a profound ability to witness the awakening of human experience--her work accelerates this process.