Ecstatic Dance with Jassany

Sunday, October 20  |  11 am - 12:30 pm ~ Jassany
$10-$20 sliding scale 

Born & raised in Cuba….Running barefoot through hills, climbing trees, playing with sticks & little creatures by the creek…Jassany believes her roots gave her a lifestyle most are craving deep down to come back home to… living in true union, harmony & connection with the Great Mother (Earth). Jassany moved to the states as a 10-year-old girl… bringing with her & carrying forward the Spirit of Wildness & nature. She inspires her students to connect to the elementals & be Grounded on this Earth in a playful manner.

Let Jassany take you deep…Whether in a yin class or more active yang style, she loves to take her students on a beautiful flowing journey to the heart of Yoga- being with what is present in a loving way; Bhakti. Empowering others to be fully in their bodies, and celebrating the gift we often take for granted; (living) is one of her passions & gifts. It is right here, right now, that we find the locked doors behind which our pain, emotional and physical, waits to be seen, held in light & love & transmuted. Yoga is a key that allows us to open these doors and meet ourselves where we are, and from there tremendous healing can happen... with acceptance & kindness.
Join Jassany on this journey as she guides and holds space for you to blossom into Being… opening your locked doors & entering with the lantern of your Heart.


Let us remember that dance is a sacred practice that transcends language, cultural and personal barriers. We ask that all community members respect the personal space and expression of others.

This event is free from:
-Cell phones
-Alcohol & Drugs